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They Give the Deep State a Bad Name

To the tune of "You Give Love a Bad Name"

Shot in the ear, but who's to blame?
They give the deep state a bad name.

A lone, crazed gunman they're trying to sell,
But why did they set him up so well?
An obvious threat to security
Was up on a perch that a blind man could see.

Whoa, a danger at large, yeah,
And the Secret Service there in charge
Let the candidate take the stage.

Shot in the ear, but who's to blame?
They give the deep state a bad name. (bad name)
We can give thanks for the shooter's aim.
They give the deep state a bad name.
Yeah, they give the deep state a bad name.

It's never what it seems to be
With national leaders' security.
It now seems from the bullets' sound
That the guy was set up to be taken down.

Whoa, a danger at large, yeah,
And the Secret Service there in charge
Let the candidate take the stage.

Shot in the ear, but who's to blame?
They give the deep state a bad name. (bad name)
We can give thanks for the shooter's aim.
They give the deep state a bad name. (bad name)
They give the deep state a bad name.

Oh, shot in the ear, but who's to blame?
They give the deep state a bad name. (bad name)
What's the FBI's part in this rotten game?
They give the deep state a bad name.

Shot in the ear, but who's to blame?
They give the deep state a bad name. (bad name)
We can give thanks for the shooter's aim.
They give the deep state a bad name. 

They give the deep state,
They give the deep state, bad name.
They give the deep state,
They give the deep state, bad name.
They give the deep state,
They give the deep state, bad name.
They give the deep state,
They give the deep state, bad name.

David Martin

One Thought to “They Give the Deep State a Bad Name”

  1. Teresa Hillebrandt

    Anyone who is honest, can’t deny that there is a (“Deep State”, “Invisible Government”, “Shadow Government”, “Establishment”, etc..) that has a stranglehold over the United States. “Un-elected hands” govern this country and there is no real difference between democrats and republicans, the left and right wings.

    This became even more obvious when Benjamin Netanyahu delivered his most recent speech before Congress.

    Who are these un-elected people who comprise the “Deep State/Secret Shadow Government” and use powerful mechanisms such as special interest groups/ lobbying groups (i.e. AIPAC- American Israel Public Affairs Committee ) and blackmail and control the president, congress, the courts, military-industrial complex, international banks, the media, etc..?

    It seems to be a cabal of godless, Fascists/Marxist, globalist, billionaires determined to fundamentally change not only this country, but the entire world. They are narcissists that are interested in power, control, money with an ultimate plan/goal and an ideology/philosophy/religion.

    In the past, President H.W. Bush referred to this cabal’s plan in several speeches as “The Ancient Hope”. He also referred to it in several speeches as “a New World Order” as did Henry Kissinger and President George W. Bush. More recently this plan has been called “The Great Reset” based on the book by Klaus Schwab.

    Although the United States seems to be the current headquarters for the cabal, all nations and sectors of the world are participates in the gargantuan coming new world order/ one world government/ kingdom of the Anti-Christ. The entity at the very top of the pyramid orchestrating all activities across the world to pull this monstrosity together is Lucifer/ Satan/ The Anti-Christ/ The Man of Sin, Son of Perdition.

    It is a plan/conspiracy for a global “One World” government by a Luciferian/Satanic elite cabal. This cabal of the ruling class/elites and others in positions of power have chosen to side with Lucifer/Satan for worldly success/power/fame/money, etc. The first attempt for a global “one world” government was by Nimrod at the tower of Babel (Genesis 10:8-10)(Genesis 11)

    For example, one important question to ask and answer is why are both parties (democrat and republican) committed Zionists? Here are two recent articles on this topic:

    Here’s some additional info. to demonstrate this point. A delegation of rabbis from the Chabad Lubavitch movement have visited each U.S. President in the oval office since Jimmy Carter in 1978. Here is a photo of the rabbis from Chabad Lubavitch meeting with President Trump

    Here is a document (specifically pgs. 17-18 & 28-29) that further explains Chabad Ludavitch and can shed some light on the question “who are the people who comprise the “shadow government”/ “deep state”. This document also explains the larger subject of “The New World Order/ Global Government”.–Summary-of-Lucifer-and-the-Kabbalistic-Jews–Teresa-Hillebrandt.pdf This document discusses many topics (i.e. the History of Israel, the Oral Traditions of the Elders, the Talmud, the Kabbalah, the World Zionist Organization, Chabad Lubavitch, the Written Torah vs. the Oral Torah, Judaism, the six -pointed-star/ hexagram, the Ancient Nation of Israel vs. the Modern State of Israel, Noahide Laws, etc..

    Here is a document that further explains aspects of their ideology/ philosophy/ religion.

    Perhaps these documents can provide some insight for the current times in which we all find ourselves.

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